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Vertical Sundial

My new pillar dial

By April 20, 2012November 15th, 2020No Comments
pillar_dial_close-up700x933-225x300 My new pillar dial

My pillar dial tells the time perfectly, of course!

With the help of local makers here in Monmouthshire I’ve create a new pillar dial that tells the time on four, beautifully enameled sides with gold leaf decoration. Last year’s window dial made from stained glass was a hard one to follow, so I’ve had to put my thinking cap on for this year. The new pillar dial, sits high on a pole and the time can read from each of its four faces, with four different kinds of sundial. The dial was inspired by the dove cote in a family garden and I’ve combined the ‘cote’ with dials in an unusual way. If you like it, get in touch, I’d be happy to create one for your garden. See what you think, here’s a picture!