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Personalised sundialsSeasonalSundials as gifts

#PerfectGift! Give a Christmas present that lasts a lifetime

By November 16, 2015November 15th, 2020No Comments

christmas-presents-r9b3ztmo-300x150 #PerfectGift! Give a Christmas present that lasts a lifetimeEveryone of us has that one friend, or relative, who is just impossible to buy for at Christmas.

As Christmas draws nearer the panic sets in as you wonder what to get them. Finding the ideal Christmas present can become the most complex and stressful task imaginable. You want something that is personal and shows how much they mean to you. Something they don’t have stacked in their garage, that doesn’t already line their wardrobe or grace their bookshelves.

A personalised sundial is the gift you have been looking for! A beautiful yet practical item, hand engraved with a particular phrase, lyric or date that means something to both of you.

Roman-bells-header-300x161 #PerfectGift! Give a Christmas present that lasts a lifetimeA sundial will not break by New Year’s Day. A sundial won’t run out of batteries, or go out of fashion. A sundial will continue to represent that moment, event, person or sentiment for years to come.

Give the gift that lasts a lifetime this Christmas. Order your personalised, handmade sundial now for delivery before Christmas.