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‘Make time’ for the person you love

By January 22, 2016November 15th, 2020No Comments

val-1-300x288 'Make time' for the person you loveThis Valentines day, ‘make time’ for the person you love by giving them a truly unique gift. Nothing warms the heart more than a gift that is given with thought, that captures this perfect moment in time but lasts a lifetime. Not flowers, nor chocolates nor a hastily brought card but a gift to really cherish.

A beautiful sundial, hand engraved with a special phrase, lyric or date that means something to both of you will continue to represent your love for each other for years to come. They say “sunshine passes, shadows fall, love and memories outlast all”.

Why not give your personalised Valentines gift even greater meaning – with a topographic sundial you can point to places special to both of you. How about where you first met, the places you have lived together, and your honeymoon destination!

And if you need help selecting a quote, take a look at our selection of favourite love quotes here.