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Another stunning 4 Star Chelsea

By June 29, 2015November 15th, 2020No Comments

Once again, another stunning 4 star RHS Chelsea Flower Show! With the weather being kind and our spot being right next to the ‘Best in Show’ Laurent-Perrier Chatsworth Garden we couldn’t have asked for more. And then we were awarded 4 stars for our stand…delighted that our hard work paid off!

In fact, Bunny Guinness, landscape architect and regular panellist on Gardener’s Question Time was so impressed with our planting that she had to ask whether we were a show garden or exhibit! This thrilled Jim from charity Growing Space who designed and planted our stand, a wonderful combination of sundials and amillaries nestling in beds of Welsh poppies, thyme and euphorbia.

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For those interested this was our planting list:

  • Euphorbia Myrsinites (myrtle spurge)
  • Euphorbia Mellifera (Canary spurge)
  • Convolvulus Cneorum (Silverbush)
  • Hebe Recurva (Boughton Silver)
  • Meconopsis Cambrica (Welsh poppy)
  • Thymus Vulgaris (common thyme)
  • Thymus Citriodorus (Lemon thyme)
  • Erigeron Karvinskianus (Mexican fleabane)
  • Phormium Tenax (New Zealand flax)
  • Betula Utilis (West Himalayan birch)
  • Eruca sativa (Rocket)

The eagle eyed might notice a theme emerging from our planting list – we were keen to work with this year’s RHS Chelsea’s Outer Space theme and Discovery Space zone. With this remit ‘Growing Space’ helped us to create a sensory and olfactory interpretation of outer-space with colours and shapes to mirror this. For example, Euphorbia Mellifera bursts of flowers reminiscent of a supernova contrasting against Convolvulus Cneorum (Silverbush) and Hebe Recurva (Boughton Silver) stark rocket-metal coloured foliage. We even thought hard about what smells might work best in this intergalactic garden and decided on thyme with its clean yet pervasive savoury scent!

If you were one of the many who came onto the stand then I think you will agree that it really did look wonderful. And if you didn’t manage to make it to Chelsea this year why not have a look at our photo album on Pinterest.

And finally a very big thank you to everyone who dropped by on to the stand, either to admire, or enquire or just socialise and keep me supplied with ice cream and Rosé!

Until next year…!

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